my story
"Like you, I've been lost in the tidal wave of fad diets and fitness crazes."
I have a backstory: I was a binge eater for over ten years. For a long time I resigned myself to believing that I would live with my binge eating secret forever. Macros saved me and I feel so blessed to be able to teach so many amazing people how to overcome eating issues, just like I did.
Having overcome an eating disorder and gaining back my health and fitness, I feel better than ever and I eat my favorite gummy bears every day without the guilt and shame. Recognizing that you don’t have to remain stuck in negative cycles is what saved me, and I know it can help you, too.
"My goal is to uncomplicate your path to fitness."
I'm Cali. I'm a wife, a mother of 3 girls, and a life-long student and teacher of health, fitness, and self acceptance.
For twelve years I have been training clients and have enjoyed every single minute. The reward of helping others reach their fitness goals is one of the greatest feelings of my life.
On my fitness journey, I was introduced to macro counting and flexible dieting. This method of eating not only saved my clients from the hamster wheel of yo-yo dieting, but it truly saved my life.